09 September 2005


Well, after spending the last couple of weeks blaming myself for lollygagging around and not getting anything done, I finally snapped to today (with a little catalytic help from Ron and Marcie) and gave myself permission to BE SICK. Instead of dividing my energy between taking care of my health and trying to work--and doing neither of them well--I've decided to devote the rest of the weekend to my own recovery. Without the guilt of feeling "lazy" over my head, I feel better already!

So after a trip to the allergist (who I left armed with an action plan, three scripts and two educational websites), I stopped for an excellent bowl of Caribbean Chicken Soup at Pollo Tropical (it reminds me of sancocho; and the new shrimp soup looks suspiciously like asopado) and passed a pleasant hour at Target choosing leisure activities... the Revenge of the Sith soundtrack (with bonus DVD!) and the complete Chronicles of Narnia in a fat paperback omnibus edition. Oh, yeah, and another ship to hang from the ceiling of our space-fantasy themed office, currently under renovation...

I feel so much more relaxed now... amazing how big a strain feeling guilty and angry at myself put on my already taxed system! And after all this time, I still forget to be aware of stuff like this.

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