23 June 2005

Who am I?

"I'm so glad I can stop pretending to be someone else, so I can go back to pretending I'm me again." -Luanne, King of the Hill


17 June 2005


People don't really belong to each other, Joan, no matter what kind of contract they sign. They choose each other every day.
-God (as a school hall monitor) to Joan, Joan of Arcadia

06 June 2005

Being Myself

Last Friday at Marcie's I confessed that my secret fear about why I'm so involved in costuming is that I really want to be someone else. This was, after all, true for a long time (like wishing I was a boy) and I still struggle with it. Sometimes, when I consider how much time I'm spending on costuming (and sewing in general), the thought scares me and I wonder if I am getting completely out of balance.

Anyway, she thought a moment and reframed it brillliantly for me: How about, you're expressing the different sides of yourself!

So in a way, I'm really being myself... I'll take it!