06 June 2005

Being Myself

Last Friday at Marcie's I confessed that my secret fear about why I'm so involved in costuming is that I really want to be someone else. This was, after all, true for a long time (like wishing I was a boy) and I still struggle with it. Sometimes, when I consider how much time I'm spending on costuming (and sewing in general), the thought scares me and I wonder if I am getting completely out of balance.

Anyway, she thought a moment and reframed it brillliantly for me: How about, you're expressing the different sides of yourself!

So in a way, I'm really being myself... I'll take it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its effortless to be a "therapist extraordinaire" when an amazing, determinded, wonder being, such as yourself audrey, walks through my door. it is as if someone gave me all the credit just for simply polishing the already flawless diamond.