13 October 2005

Oh No, A Broken Toe!

Poor Arrow! Found her limping on Tuesday evening and doing the "Lassie-foot" thing by Wednesday. Got her to the vet's this morning, where an x-ray revealed a broken toe! So it's two weeks of crate rest and Carprofen, then another x-ray. And this on the heels of all that crate rest and leash-walking and elizabethan-collar-wearing after her surgery! Dr. S. gave us three possible causes for the fracture: infection (no evidence of that); trauma (although we didn't observe it); and cancer in the bone, which would weaken it. I'm just not going to commit to the last emotionally. I'm okay with not knowing the cause of the break, as long as it heals up, or until we have more information.

One nice confidence-booster for me: the problem was in the toe that I had narrowed it down to myself on Tuesday!

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